As you already know, this year’s Christmas Fair will take place on Sunday 29th November from 11am until 5pm at the Salle Polyvalente in Saint Jean Pla de Corts.
The Christmas Fair committee has been busy working to organise this year’s event which looks like being a huge success again. This is your chance to contribute and help out both FAB PO and Cancer Support France. We really need help with the following – please be generous as it’s for a good cause.
1. VIDE GRENIER - the stand needs your unwanted books, CDs, DVDs, Jewellery, ornaments, vases etc. Please donate good quality items but NO shoes, clothing or furniture this year.
2. CAKE STAND – this was a huge success last year and the cakes sold out early. This year we need even more cakes so please get baking and bring your donations to the salle polyvalente in Saint Jean Pla de Corts in the morning on the day of the fair.
3. TOMBOLA PRIZES – we are asking all members to please donate a prize for the tombola. We would welcome any unwanted gifts you have around the house as long as they are in good condition and unopened e.g. CDs, DVDs, glassware, homewares, wine etc. If you have a business such as a gîte or restaurant you could donate a free stay or meal, artists could donate an artwork etc etc. The value is not that important we need a large amount of prizes of varying worth to make the tombola a real success.
4. FAB PO STAND – there will be a stand for members to promote their businesses and products on the day. Please could all members who wish to use the stand provide A5 brochures or print outs to be displayed.
5. VOLUNTEERS – all the above stands need volunteers to help man the stalls on the day. If you can spare an hour or two on the 29th November, please contact Louise Sayers at or on 06 20 03 54 46.
For vide grenier and tombola donations, please deliver these to any of the following drop off points:
o Rachel Treloar at Domaine Treloar in Trouillas
o Louise Sayers at Med and Mountain’s offices in 1 rue Saint Francois de Paule in Perpignan (phone ahead as the office is not always open – 06 20 03 54 46)
o Penny Statham at Les Hirondelles Holiday Gîtes in Fuilla (again phone ahead – 04 68 05 63 08
o On the 28th November ONLY between 2pm and 5pm at the Salle Polyvalente in St Jean Pla de Corts
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