Friday, September 25, 2009

An open invitation to an exhibition in Ceret

FAB PO member and internationally acclaimed textile artist, Gem Melville is hosting an exhibition in Ceret from 25 September to 10 October.
She invites you all to the opening night tonight at 18h00 :

Helle Frosterod and Gem Melville are having a joint exhibition of sculpture and hand painted textiles.

You are invited to attend our vernisage at ESPACE Pierre MAU in CĂ©ret which is at the Sant Roch ART centre at 18h00.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

FAB PO in French Property News

FAB PO secretary, Louise Sayers of Med and Mountain, as well as running her property and translating business and looking after two small kids, also contributes to a number of magazines in France - FAB PO gets a mention in this interesting article about ex pats in France in French Property News : go to page 82 to read all about it here